Adding Products To Your Store

Welcome to the Product Addition Guide! Let's dive into the details of how to add items to your Amazon store using MarketGap and the prerequisites that ensure seamless listing.

Listing Requirements:

For an item to be added to your Amazon store, it must meet these criteria:

  1. The brand must be on the allowed brand list. See the Filtering Brands article for more details.
  2. The category must be whitelisted. If the parent category is whitelisted, its subcategories are automatically included. See the Filtering Categories article for more details.
  3. The title must not contain restricted words or phrases. See the Filtering Keywords article for more details.
  4. The ASIN must not be on the blocked list. See the Filtering ASINs article for more details.
  5. The item should not fall under filters set in other settings. See the Package Weight and Dimensions Filter Settings article for more details.
  6. The item must be available for sale on

Validation of Availability:

MarketGap verifies an item's availability on through the following process:

For FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) Offers:

  • Sellers must have over 50 feedback counts.
  • Feedback rating must be 95% or above if the feedback count is under 250, at least 90% if the count is under 800, and 85% or higher for counts over 800.

For FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) Offers:

  • Sellers must have a rating of 100% if the feedback count is under 10, at least 95% if the count is under 25, and 90% or more for counts over 50.

Selection of Best Offer:

  • The software picks the best offer.
  • Your pricing is based on the selected best offer, which is called the "Base Price".



We hope this guide clarifies the product addition process. If you need further assistance, our support team is here to help. At MarketGap, we're committed to making your selling experience smoother. Your success is our goal!